Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Grain Alcohol appears to be a handicap doubler... Biggest Pro: Consistent iron play. Biggest Con: You think a name like Hammer would get you longer drives. |
His first time at the top of the handicap board. Correction: WOFM Golf handicap board. Biggest Pro: He's dragging a new rookie this year, his son-in-law. Hambone! can spend this year blaming the guy sleeping with his daughter for everything. Biggest Con: The donut love continues for Hambone!. Lifetime Ironhead Cup record: 0-8. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
** New guy alert** Last chance for all future Target recruits. Biggest Pro: Indirectly gives off the country club vibe..That has to be good, right? Biggest Con: Hasn't proved it yet on the big dog courses with WOFM distractions. |
He abandoned a lesser group to join The Weekend of Man. Bold, but unsuprising. Biggest Pro: He's eager and he's a rookie which hopefully means he aims to please. Biggest Con: Any hope others should have in him has long been sucked out by The Big Red Machine. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Been pounding local course...Looking for ProV1s. Biggest Pro: Can putt with the best them. Biggest Con: Easily distracted by strategic interruptions. |
And then were gonna find our best friend Doug, and then were gonna give him a best friend hug. Doug Doug Oh Doug Doug Dougie Doug Doug! Biggest Pro: Put together a few nice rounds last year, helped by putting together a few nice lies in the rough last year. Biggest Con: On-course stories from playing companions involving Monterrey, Mexico and a "handsy" pastor are distracting to him. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
No lack of self confidence here...Can it be backed up? Biggest Pro: Streaky good.Nice "club" speed…According to what his significant other told me last night…This is about Bob, right? Biggest Con: Thinks he can go pro - even while bay watching at most opportunities. |
The Bobocracy ascends to the Captaincy against Macho Rod. A shoulder is likely to break. Biggest Pro: The latest tee time has round one ending at roughly 7:00 pm, which means it's likely he'll still be awake. Biggest Con: The unpredictability of his game and the influence of long-tenured Alumni at IX is sure to mentally crater him. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
**New guy alert** and affiliated to Lake Citiers...What could be wrong with that combo? Biggest Pro: If that handicap of 13 holds up he will be in the running for rookie of the year. Biggest Con: Must overcome overpowering urge to re-watch old twins games...Must be something in the water. |
He has a cousin Cathy who likes to travel to foreign countries with a funky uterus. Biggest Pro: Helpful at the Lake City Golf Club Invitational every year is good signaling for a rookie. Biggest Con: The only signal most Lake City rookies pay attention to at WOFM is the one broadcasting Twins game re-runs. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Strong command of his golf game and Zeus like presence on the course. Biggest Pro: Never say die attitude when it comes to finding lost balls - rivals Odysseus. Biggest Con: Ritalin is in short supply up north there ya know...Maybe 18 year old Scotch will keep this founding member on an even keel. |
For the first time in several years, all Founding Members of The Weekend of Man will be in attendance. Biggest Pro: His handicap has risen this year, which gives him a few more holes to take strokes on, hopefully not from the trees. Biggest Con: Depending on the morning commuter traffic in Atlanta, Georgia, the 2015 quinoa crop in Bolivia, or a child in Indonesia who won't stop talking in his backswing, there's a chance of mental breakdown. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Ready to take the next step up for WOFM IX Biggest Pro: Able to skillfully putt without any alignment. Biggest Con: Cake eater lineage should produce lower scores. |
The Weekend of Man Alumni most likely to wear a white belt. Biggest Pro: Rocked the 2014 Pretty in Pink with confidence after posting the worst handicap differential in 2013. Biggest Con: How does anybody rebound after captaining the worst defeat in the history of the Ironhead Cup? |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Professional sports team employment darkening the rose colored glasses. Biggest Pro: Strong drives to go with flowing locks. Biggest Con: Distracted or inconsistent play due to the lack of media coverage |
He assisted in the survival of three fellow Alumni during The Great Anchorage of MMX. Biggest Pro: The only player to go undefeated in last year's Ironhead Cup. Biggest Con: His value-add is approximately zero. His team was still absolutely destroyed. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Back from the injured reserve list - did the golf game come with him? Biggest Pro: Best clubs money can buy. Biggest Con: Getting the rap of injury prone...Could effect his draft status. |
He's not good with ladders. Biggest Pro: He's good with beer. Biggest Con: He's not good with golf. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Year two - we are expecting big things. Biggest Pro: Showed some awesome golf skills last year. Biggest Con: In his line of work - we need to watch for "over value" of game play here. |
He will actually know more than one other Alumni this year. Biggest Pro: He appreciates* the scenery. * Development opportunities thereof. Biggest Con: He will probably bring business cards to make sure every other Alumni knows him. Ugh. Realtors. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
**New guy alert** Getting in on strong coat tails… let's see if he seizes the moment. Biggest Pro: At least we know who is driving us home each night. Biggest Con: Rumor has it he is a white herring and does not consume alcohol...Never seen that on the course before. |
A rookie we know nothing about, except that Hambone! Vouches for him. Biggest Pro: He doesn't drink, so the odds of a fall-off in his game are the lowest of this year's attendees. Biggest Con: He (and we) will never know if he's capable of increased golfing powers by following the Myran Bell Curve. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Back in the mix for 2015 - did the time off give him the ability to trim down that 22? Biggest Pro: Almost spider sense ability around beverage cart arrival. Biggest Con: Sadly no superhero skills actually on the course. |
His last Weekend of Man almost ended in getting shanked by an eskimo in downtown Virginia. Biggest Pro: Capable of playing with nearly any level of blood toxicity. Biggest Con: He may or may not make his tee time, depending on his ability to locate car keys. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Taking captain responsibilities with no leadership skills - let the fun begin. Biggest Pro: Hits the long ball like a champ...A very angry champ. Biggest Con: golf game has the consistency of a fine Chippewa Falls lager. |
Without question, statistically the most consistent to handicap player to ever tee it up in The Ironhead Cup. Biggest Pro: One word: Drones. Biggest Con: One word: Drives. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Solid play expected again this year. Biggest Pro: handles pressure with Northerner moxy. Biggest Con: Focus on water sports limits golf excellence. |
Men are hopeful that IX is the year they don't need to wonder whether Scottish Rob will arrive alive. Biggest Pro: The most mentally impenetrable Alumni. Biggest Con: Mental impenetrability includes constant reminders of where to park the cart. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Flirts with par like most men flirt with eagles. Biggest Pro: Addition of 588 Altitude irons should help mid-game. Biggest Con: 24% GIR has to be improved. |
Captained the Bowser Big Oaks to the 2014 Ironhead Cup championship. Biggest Pro: He is the first and so far only WOFM Alumni to soak himself in beer from the Marquee de Sod trophy. Biggest Con: Since it was a win last year, and you never wash on a winning streak, his shirt has 12 months of yeast and malt in it. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Don't let the fair skin and hair color fool you. Biggest Pro: Can drive the golf cart like a pro. Biggest Con: Needs to straighten out that massive hook...Or is it a slice...Wait - its both. |
He won't sit down in the boat. WTF is with that? Biggest Pro: He just doesn't give a f*ck. Biggest Con: He just doesn't give a f*ck. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
**New guy alert** Hearing big things from our scouts. Biggest Pro: May bring his rhinestone studded golf cart to impress the locals. Biggest Con: Still learning the science behind the game of golf...Hint - you want low scores on the scorecard. |
The second time he's paid and the first time he's attended. Biggest Pro: He owns a golf course. Biggest Con: It's Lake Pepin Golf Course. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
The Doctor is back in... Biggest Pro: Strong silent type on the course. Biggest Con: One of the few doctors who isn't a scratch golfer...How does that happen? |
After a one year absence, The WOFM resident ear-nose-throat Doc returns. Biggest Pro: If his team sucks, he can emergency tracheotomy them. Biggest Con: He's the one who sucks. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Will the calming effect of kids be a game changer? Biggest Pro: Able to artfully capture the essence of golf. Biggest Con: 5 putting as an average turns some heads. |
The losing captain of the inagural Ironhead Cup in 2011. Biggest Pro: IX will be a needed get-away from two kids. Biggest Con: There's only one thing I can think of that has gone longer without being touched by Nerd than a golf club. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Needs to lose the "chicks dig the long ball" T-shirt. Biggest Pro: High fairways hit percentage. Biggest Con: Driving distance 80% down from PGA levels. |
Captained his squad to the 2012 Ironhead Cup. Biggest Pro: Has the best attitude on course of any Weekend of Man Alumni. Biggest Con: The attitude is driven by an accurate self assessment that he is a horrid golfer. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Golf Slogan - "I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorists. Now watch this drive." - George W. Bush Biggest Pro: The most important shot in golf is the next one. Biggest Con: Unproven WOFM experience, |
A dreadful lacross team actually won last in 2013 causing him to short hit his rookie year. Biggest Pro: Brings the lowest handicap to WOFM Eight. Biggest Con: Bing-watching Breaking Bad on Netflix for product and operation ideas could be a distraction. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
It takes hundreds of good golf shots to gain confidence, but only one bad one to lose it. Biggest Pro: Hambone's diet consists of lots of greens. Biggest Con: "Actually, the only tim eI ever took out a one-iron was to kill a tarantula. And I took a 7 to do that." |
Wheels came off the train last year in the deciding match. Biggest Pro: Recent retirement means he has nothing better to do than wack his balls around. Biggest Con: LOVES donuts. He's 0-5 the last two years. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
"The only sure rule in golf is he who has the fastest cart never has to play the bad lie." - Mickey Mantle on the Tweaker's play. Biggest Pro: Serious about his golf. Biggest Con: Motto: Mistakes are proof that you are trying. |
And then were gonna find our best friend Doug, and then were gonna give him a best friend hug. Doug Doug Oh Doug Doug Dougie Doug Doug! Biggest Pro: Maintains an excellent foot wedge game. Biggest Con: Playing opposite Scottish Rob, should that happen, might result in a near-death experience. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Outdrive your competition. Biggest Pro: Streaky good. Biggest Con: Thinks "Golfers do it on the green" is actually about golf. |
It is pretty much a given that a series of disasters will follow The Bobocracy all weekend. Biggest Pro: Disasters will be resolved and/or heavy drinking will occur. Biggest Con: He won't have Billy Blaze to bail him out this year. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Fore Father. Biggest Pro: "Mistakes are part of the game. It's how well you recover from them, that's the mark of a great player." - Alice Cooper on Jack's game. Biggest Con: Only birdie seen will be from the middle finger. |
GUYS! Biggest Pro: Has been grooving "Beast Mode" over the winter to re-find some lost distance. Biggest Con: Shoulders, back, knees, feet...But mostly his mind. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
"I have a tip that can take five strokes off anybody's game: An eraser." - Bruce Biggest Pro: It's about the business write-off. Biggest Con: High integration of business to golf ration may limit fun factor. |
A new home with a twin-tap beer system has him looking down his nose at cheap beer. Biggest Pro: The only lefty capable of controlling distances with his sand wedge. Biggest Con: A recently-fractured foot could be a serious setback. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Represents Hornet pride. Biggest Pro: If thinking you are good at golf is an indicator...Sam is great. Biggest Con: How did I make a twelve on a part five hole? It's simple: I missed a four-footer for an eleven. |
Edina bravado has him captaining a team this year. Biggest Pro: He's from Edina which means he has more money than us which means he can buy the beer. Biggest Con: He's from Edina. Captaincy could turn into a superiority complex. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
I never rooted against an opponent, but I never rooted for him either. Biggest Pro: A minor adjustment can produce oustanding results. Biggest Con: Golf is the sport where your most feared opponent is yourself! |
His laid-back attitude means spending time with him looking for his golf balls is a serene experience. Biggest Pro: Flowing locks. Biggest Con: As a Director of Analytics for a professional sports team, he could be too focused on the numbers. Particularly consumed beers. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
A perfectly straight shot with a big club is a fluke. Biggest Pro: New mindset = Lower score Biggest Con: My golf game is improving...I miss the hole nearer now. |
Won the opening match of 2013 with a brilliant par on the 17th hole of The Quarry. Biggest Pro: Rod 2.0: Cool, calm, collected. Biggest Con: Rod 2.0's golf game still requires the Bell Curve of Soberness. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt. Biggest Pro: What happens on the golf course stays on the golf course. Biggest Con: Long ball? |
Collar AND sport coat. Biggest Pro: Dapper. Biggest Con: You can tell he REALLY wants to pop the collar up. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
"I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer spectators." - Blue Biggest Pro: The more I practice, the luckier I get. Biggest Con: New to WOFM. Might be easily distracted by all the bad golf etiquette. |
The only rookie (so far) of 2014. Is he really ready for The Weekend of Man? Biggest Pro: He brings a LOT of life experience. Biggest Con: The experience is because he's old. I mean, really old. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
If there is one thing I have learned during my years as a professional, it is that the only thing constant about golf is its inconsistency. Biggest Pro: Unshakeable spirit. Biggest Con: Can be affected by a good scotch. |
Put up a few monster numbers last year yet still earned 1.5 points. Biggest Pro: Capable of rationalizing really crappy golf shots. Biggest Con: His golf game sucks, and his sailing blows. Get it? Maybe? Is this thing on? |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
New mashie clubs should improve game. Biggest Pro: It takes a lot of balls to golf the way I do. Biggest Con: An endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle. |
Burnsville represents this year as Undrafted Jeff assumes the title of captain. Biggest Pro: Maaaaaaaaassssssshhhhiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee Biggest Con: All but assured he blames his team members for any and all mistakes, but mostly his own. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Coined the phrase "Golf. The art of playing fetch with yourself." Biggest Pro: Not one to speak during backswings. Biggest Con: More time in the sand than David Hasslehoff. |
He's the Anti-Smalls: He always slices. Biggest Pro: Has the world's greatest pickup line/ice breaker at his disposal this year. Biggest Con: The odds of him using it are the closest thing in nature to absolute zero that scientists have yet observed. |
The Barrio Hostess Ashley and Her Selection of Sporadic Jack
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Target Corp's best hope for The Tour. Biggest Pro: Lowest handicap - Strong golf skills. Biggest Con: Dave thinks handicap is a measure of the number of mint juleps consumed during a round. |
Lives in outer-ring suburbs which means he most likely runs a meth lab in his basement. Biggest Pro: The only 2013 alumni from Target that is capable of using words. Biggest Con: Bullseye corporate culture is heavy on herd mentality and he will probably regress. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Flairs of greatness surround him. Biggest Pro: Had a strong 2012 campaign and is looking for more glory in 2013. Biggest Con: social anxiety experienced outside of "safe haven" villa may increase the golf score. |
Came out of his shell in 2012 and even left the villa. Biggest Pro: The Twins are so dreadful this year he's expected to socialize again. Biggest Con: Stats are deceiving: Only player in 2012 to go 0-3, despite his team winning. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
The Ace of 2012. Biggest Pro: Great all around golf player. Biggest Con: Still hasn't seen The Hangover. |
And then were gonna find our best friend Doug, and then were gonna give him a best friend hug. Doug Doug Oh Doug Doug Dougie Doug Doug! Biggest Pro: Concedes his own putts. Biggest Con: Lake Superior Black IPA could destroy his ability to golf on Saturday. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Using the teachings of Stewart Smalley in 2013. http://snltranscripts.jt.org/91/91asmalley.phtml. Biggest Pro: Can flat out produce some awesome golf shots. Biggest Con: "Refuse to Lose" motto has proven ineffective. |
Practically a Weekend of Man Demi-god. Biggest Pro: Rattled off four birdies in a five hole stretch last year. Biggest Con: Bookended the birdie streak with an eight and a nine. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Has seen it all...We are talking about movies - right? Biggest Pro: Huge ball striker. Biggest Con: High reliance on Ritalin. |
His golf game could match up well aga...Traffic wasn't bad at all on the drive up, was it? Biggest Pro: Will strategize more than any other captain in the history of the Ironhead Cup. Biggest Con: 11:00 am tee times means darkness will have an impact on the last few holes of his round. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Proving that bankers are people too. Biggest Pro: Nice golf swagger. Biggest Con: Bull market may affect golf game. |
New home construction undoubtedly means an increase in beer consumption. Biggest Pro: New custom-fit golf clubs have dramatically improved ball striking. Biggest Con: He had the clubs last year too. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Last name has me thinking we have a "made for TV" Movie being filmed during the weekend. Biggest Pro: Pretty impressive handicap number hanging around his collar. Biggest Con: Not 100% sold on his battle worthiness on MN golf courses. |
Despite surname, he's from Edina so he's a douche by default. Biggest Pro: Leads the 2013 Rookie Class in enthusiasm and Brotocol knowledge. Biggest Con: He's a consultant which means his contributions will be few and very expensive. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Does things in eight second intervals - either riding a bull or crashing a boat. Biggest Pro: Smooth golf swing. Biggest Con: Terrible blues singer. |
On the losing team in 2012 yet still suave enough he drank beer from the Ironhead Cup. Biggest Pro: Inate understanding of the long-play and/or repetitive joke. Biggest Con: High likelihood he crashes the cart into something directly off the first tee. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Golf game mirrors Timberwolves seasons. Biggest Pro: Solid start. Biggest Con: Fades to unwatchable by the end. |
Recently beat out for the T-Wolves GM position by Flip Saunders because his name was too close to the prior GM. Biggest Pro: Birdied the 18th hole during the last match of 2012, sealing the win. Biggest Con: Still has not taken responsibility for The Great Summer Shandy Disaster of MMX. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Really found his way around the golf course last year. Biggest Pro: Most likely to catch Walleyes in the drainage ditch. Biggest Con: Golf is not a game of emotion. |
Weekend of Man Rennaisance Man - Fillets fish, finds golf balls, cooks. Biggest Pro: He should start the 2013 Ironhead Cup with all his clubs. Should. Biggest Con: Will undoubtedly be more focused on some issue with his boat over golf. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Ask him about Russian Hookers and golf trips. Biggest Pro: 95% Fairway accuracy. Biggest Con: Never stated how far those 95% fairway drives actually go. |
For one weekend he's going to stop reading about life and start living it. Biggest Pro: Once he realizes there's nothing at stake, plays out of his mind. Biggest Con: He requires you to bring your own tarp. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Broke the course record for most alcohol stored in his golf bag. Biggest Pro: Can smash the long ball. Biggest Con: 5% fairway hitter - if you count the fringe. |
Game is sensitive to the Inebriation Bell Curve, renamed years ago to the Myran Bell Curve. Biggest Pro: Played lights-out on the front nine during the final match last year. Biggest Con: Sobered up on the back nine. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Not sure why "Mean Gene the Home Wrecking Machine" never caught on. Biggest Pro: Will turn a few heads with some strong golf shots. Biggest Con: May be afraid to show the banker up. |
Returns after several years of absences - May have difficulty adapting to the increased awesomeness of this year. Biggest Pro: Only alumni to never complain about the beer. Biggest Con: Fishing is terrible when Gene is in the boat. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Angry ever since Dos Equis stole "the most interesting man in world" commercials from him. Biggest Pro: High discipline = amazing golf scores. Biggest Con: Can have his game derailed when Brandy Alexanders are not served by the beverage girls. |
Striking resemblance to Larry Hagman circa mid-1980s Dallas. Biggest Pro: Lets his golf clubs do the talking. Biggest Con: Possibly a mute. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Still upset about the poor record sales of "Last Train to Paris". Biggest Pro: Found golf after unsuccessful run as a rapper. Biggest Con: "Mama said knock you out" not appropriate to yell during tee off. |
Making his way from New York City, may find the remoteness of Giants Ridge a little too "Deliverance" for his liking. Biggest Pro: Tipping the scales at 130 lbs soaking wet, will go uncontested in his weight class. Biggest Con: Inability to regularly update Facebook may frustrate him. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Looking to make some noise in 2013. Biggest Pro: Improvement in the short game will really be impactful. Biggest Con: No improvement in short game will not be impactful. |
One of the first sign-ups for 2013 after a memorable 2012. Biggest Pro: Steady-Eddie on the course with predictable results. Biggest Con: Constant, un-ending commentary about his lack of distance and his qualifications to play the forward tees. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Assuming a leadership role may affect golf psyche. Biggest Pro: Never too high or too low. Biggest Con: Too bad rugby skills don't translate well to golf. |
Absolute mastery of subtle gamesmanship makes him one of the strongest captains ever. Biggest Pro: "The Emperor" will wreak havoc on the other team. Biggest Con: His golf game will providing nothing to his own team while he daydreams about sailing. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Master of the three putt. Biggest Pro: Has watched Caddyshack at least 150 times. Biggest Con: Folds up like a folding chair at any sign of pressure. |
The only thing louder than his shoes is his mouth. Biggest Pro: Same as last year: Mentally exhausting to the other team. Biggest Con: Same as last year: Mentally exhausting to his own team. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Proving once again pacifists can play golf. Biggest Pro: Plays the same with any club at any time. Biggest Con: Strong fear of Giants Ridge hostesses. |
Complaints about objects of which Man has no control (i.e. the sun, gravity, etc.) will be frequent. Biggest Pro: Likely will respond better to a non-leadership role. Biggest Con: Left-to-right ball flight. Total left-to-right holes out of 54: three. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Second time is a charm. Biggest Pro: Returning to avenge 2012. Biggest Con: May play the same way as 2012. |
Machismo was punished on difficult golf courses in 2012. Biggest Pro: Resident Weekend of Man ear/nose/throat doctor. Biggest Con: Weekend of Man could really better utilize an orthopedic specialist. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Once jumped Minnehaha Creek in a golf cart. Biggest Pro: Uses his pure athleticism to find balls in the rough. Biggest Con: Pending shoulder surgery may effect long game. |
Another Dave? Jesus. How many F'ing Daves can we have? Biggest Pro: Twins Fandom may endear him to Lake City crowd. Biggest Con: Past as a wrestler might make him much too comfortable with starting intra-team tickle fights. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Known as "The Beast from the East" - Not sure what that even means. Biggest Pro: Has some golfers in his immediate family. Biggest Con: May confuse golf cart for a luxurious crossover vehicle. |
May be the closest to an unfrozen caveman we have as he will have to re-adjust to American cultural customs in one weekend. Biggest Pro: As a Tokyo resident, will provide scared-big-citier-in-the-wilderness company to E. Pliddy. Biggest Con: Cares about golf even less than he plays it. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
New guy wildcard. Biggest Pro: Unknown skill level bring excitement to the draft . Biggest Con: Claims a 36.5 handicap. |
Cinnamon! and Scottish Rob are joined by a third person that when in the sun resembles a fork in a microwave. Biggest Pro: Creativity and quick thinking makes for a possible Wizard-in-Training. Biggest Con: You do know who The Wizard is, don't you? |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
[Whooshing sounds] Biggest Pro: [Whooshing sounds] Biggest Con: [Whooshing sounds] |
Not paying got the 24th Man kicked out, and now the captains get to draft an empty chair. Biggest Pro: Lots of risk picking an unknown could mean high reward. Biggest Con: The empty chair bit didn't work too well for Clint Eastwood. |
2013 Weekend of Man Kits
The Weekend of Man is proud to announce that the date of the 2012 Ironhead Cup draft will be at Noon on Friday, May 25th, 2012 at The Bulldog Lowertown in St. Paul, MN.
To prepare Citizen Dique and and Cinnamon!, the 2012 Ironhead Cup captains, Undrafted Jeff and The Bobocracy have put together a Draft Kit to assist them in picking their teams.
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Solid 5 pointer - all phases of the game are great. Smell can be distracting. Biggest Pro: Great putting. Biggest Con: Rancid gas. | By far the strongest player in this year's field. Biggest Pro: Model of golfing consistency. Biggest Con: What the hell is he thinking about when he stands over the ball? |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Like a wolf on the course?.Lone Wolf McQuade. Biggest Pro: Surprising golf moxie. Biggest Con: People scare him. | Isolation during 2010 (MMX) leaves many wondering what golf game he will bring to the course. Biggest Pro: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xnfbh2_snl-hambone_shortfilms Biggest Con: May lock himself inside a villa with his neighbors again. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Excellent golfer. Terrible gangster. Biggest Pro: Great shots in the clutch. Biggest Con: Doesn't know his own theme song. | Kept Mesabi team in it during 2011 Cup. Mental hiccup on the final day. Biggest Pro: Consistent, low-handicapper. Biggest Con: 2011 mental state a fluke or could another collapse be on the horizon? |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Has The Bishop (Caddyshack) qualities. Could conceivably break the course record, but ends up pseudo swearing and getting hit by lightning. Biggest Pro: The long ball. Biggest Con: Wrath of God. | Most likely the longest hitter in this year's field; Flashy but inconsistent game works well in match play. Biggest Pro: He is as likely to make birdies as anybody. Biggest Con: He doesn't play well drunk. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
New guy - scouts like his demographic profile. Biggest Pro: Lives on a golf course. Biggest Con: Big Grey Poupon guy. | His rookie/unknown status could land him near the bottom of the draft pool despite his handicap. Biggest Pro: Lives on a golf course so he must be able to play golf. Biggest Con: He's a total unknown. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Dali Lama of the group. However slow play kills the fun factor. Biggest Pro: Huge hitter. Long. Flowing. Biggest Con: Over-thinking club selection while discussing in length the finer points of film making. | While not hiting the ball as far as he used to, he still can make the putts, and that's what counts. Biggest Pro: Can compete with anybody if he brings his A game. Biggest Con: Might go missing looking for lost ball. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Can be a great golfer with the right caddie. Biggest Pro: Risk taker. Biggest Con: Risk taker. | His game is better than his handicap suggests. Biggest Pro: Team chemistry and sandbagging. Biggest Con: A recent move and two young children: Can he focus? |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Golf game summarized by a Katy Perry song - Hot and Cold. Biggest Pro: Can get very hot. Biggest Con: Can get very cold?Hence the song. | After a few bright flashes to open the 2011 Ironhead Cup, he got down on himself and failed to contribute. Biggest Pro: Has the potential to scrap out a few holes. Biggest Con: Terrible taste in beer. Summer Shandy? Really? |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Golf is a big part of his "job." Biggest Pro: Stays within his game. Biggest Con: God complex. | A possible sleeper pick for this year, he is capable of playing anywhere from the high 70s to high 90s. Biggest Pro: You know what you are going to get with his game. Biggest Con: Shorter hitter; with match play and long par 4s, the other team has opportunities against him. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Strong silent type of golfer?not sure what that even means. Biggest Pro: Strings shots together with the best of them. Biggest Con: Tends to dangerously mix over the counter drugs that wind up hindering his performance. | Guaranteed to play hung over. Tweaks excessively after taking 12,000% of his daily B vitamins and a five hour energy. Temper. Biggest Pro: Good for one or two surprise shots a round that could mentally break the other team. Biggest Con: He is known to break clubs on the course. The most is two in a round. On the same hole. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Greatness when playing against Undrafted Jeff. Biggest Pro: Hitting the fairway at 95% clip. Biggest Con: Not always playing Undrafted Jeff. | Who would have thought that a middle-of-the-draft player would ice the 2011 Ironhead Cup for the Vermilion Team? Biggest Pro: He can stay calm and help you solve a "105 pound problem." Biggest Con: Can he actually replicate last year's defining performance again this year? |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Has accomplished phenomenal things on the golf course? A few even related to golf. Biggest Pro: Fastest club speed on the tour. Biggest Con: Hulk-like rage. | Another of the long hitters, particularly with a sand wedge. It remains to be seen if he can stay on top of the Golf/Booze Bell Curve. Biggest Pro: Big drives in the fairway could set him up for good holes. Biggest Con: Too much (or too little) booze and the wheels will come off. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Makes a memorable impression on the golf course?. Usually from one of his body parts. Biggest Pro: First guy there if a fight breaks out - so he can get a great seat. Biggest Con: Profound fear of beverage cart girl. | May not be able to handle the pressure of captaining a team. Lacks killer instinct. Biggest Pro: He's a confirmed natural red-head. Biggest Con: Nobody plays better with clubs that have bent shafts. His shafts are as straight as they could be. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
You think his lineage would produce a better golfer. Biggest Pro: Even temperament - steady play. Biggest Con: Ancestry hangs around neck like a anchor. | Partners well with other golfers and was a surprise force in winning it last year for the Vermilion team. Biggest Pro: Can shock many with surprisingly good holes. Biggest Con: He doesn't really want to compete; Gentle giant attitude. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Brief spots of greatness followed by long durations of terrible golf. Biggest Pro: Stylish shoe/bag combo. Biggest Con: Whenever you really need a shot - he is not there for you. | After a lot of pre-tourney trash talk, his game fell apart during the last round of 2011. Can he re-find his mojo? Biggest Pro: Mentally exhausting to the other team. Biggest Con: Mentally exhausting to his own team. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Amazing how well he golfs with one hand (the other is used for holding a beverage of choice). Biggest Pro: Whenever you really need a shot - he buys a beer for you. Biggest Con: Too many bathroom breaks. | Last year's winning captain, his influence/strategy on team chemistry in the draft cannot be overlooked. Biggest Pro: Game seems impervious to alcohol. Biggest Con: He may not make it to the course if he can't find his keys. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
New guy - scouting report - MM will always miss 100% of the shots he doesn't take, and, statistically speaking, 99% of the shots he does. Biggest Pro: Confident attitude. Biggest Con: Bought clubs at Kmarts sporting goods section. | The only other rookie in the field, he boasts of being able to beat anybody, but he is most likely not talking about golf. Biggest Pro: Unknown game brings draft sleeper potential. Biggest Con: Strong attitude could backfire. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Professional level photography skills does not translate well to the golf course. Biggest Pro: Calm on the course. Biggest Con: Calmness. | Last year's losing captain, his game has improved every year for the past several. We'll see how far he has come. Biggest Pro: Improving. Biggest Con: He still sucks. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
Enjoying his second tour at WOFM and already posturing for a management position. Biggest Pro: Will cover every square inch of the course. Biggest Con: Rich was overheard saying - "I'm not what I would call a strong swinger" | Took up golf last year and finds himself thrust into the Captain's chair. Leadership skills will be tested. Biggest Pro: Can't get mad about not playing to his potential when he doesn't have any potential. Biggest Con: All those lost golf balls get expensive. |
Undrafted Jeff | The Bobocracy |
War Games-like mentality: The only winning move is not to play. Biggest Pro: Impossible for his score to hurt the team. Biggest Con: Other Men may return to a smelly cabin if all he does is sit around drinking beer and farting all day. | He doesn't play golf, yet was taken ahead of others last year and cheered his team to victory. Departed early for work, which could sour his potential this year. Biggest Pro: Can go beer-for-beer with any other team member. Biggest Con: Could douche out and disappear to go work again. |
Frighteningly Similar to Old Firm Colors. Hopefully a Fight Doesn't Break Out
On the afternoon of April 16th, 2012, Citizen Dique and Cinnamon!, the captains of the 2012 Arrowhead Cup chose their branding for the coming tournament.
Each captain was required to pick the shirt from the other team. Citzen Dique chose Valor Blue to adorn the squad led by Cinnamon!. Cinnamon! elected Pro Green for his competitor. Both chose stripes. All the shirts will carry The Weekend of Man SIX logo on the right sleeve.
Continuing to improve on The Weekend of Man, this years shirts are Nike Dri-Fit UV Tech polos, the absolute top-of-the-line in golf apparel. Extremely comfortable and cool, each Man shall play in comfort for the duration of the 2012 Arrowhead Cup. Better yet, they will be offered at the same price as last year's now inferior shirts.
Easy Event Management That Idiot Men Choose to Ignore
Relying on a technique known as "Descriptive Marketing", The Weekend of Man proudly re-launches The Home of Man 2.0, a release going by the simple name of Epic, because that's what it is.
Epic allows each Man to plan the pinnacle event of his existance to his exact specifications. The ability to pick activities, travel arrangements, and accommodations has been extensively re-worked and streamlined. New this year are social networking tools available exclusively to those lucky enough to call themselves Alumni.
In addition to features and functionality, Nerd, Cinnamon, and The Bobocracy have uploaded all the pictures they had from every year of The Weekend of Man.
Alumni can login and try it for themselves:
This afternoon over lunch, Good Times Johnny (captain of the Vermilion Team) and Nerd (captain of the Mesabi Team) drafted their 2011 rosters for the Ironhead Cup. It was moved up from July 21st to take advantage of a deal from Golfsmith that required the teams to be known. Here’s the draft results and professional analysis by The Bobocracy:
First Round
1. (1 Overall) – Scholarship
After being chosen by a bartender to have the first pick in the 2011 Draft, Good Times Johnny shocked everyone and took Scholarship with the first overall pick. The pick was jeered by many in the audience as many other lower handicap golfers were available. "I wanted to take the guy who has the time and is most likely to improve in the coming month." explained Good Times Johnny, referring to Scholarship's unemployment. He continued, "Fly Fishing? F*ck that. His ass better be at the driving range."
2. (2 Overall) - The Bobocracy
One of the top prospects in this year's draft, Nerd went with the player bringing by far the most local knowledge of the Iron Range golf courses. A very long hitter with a good enough short game should offer scoring opportunities for the Mesabi Team. There are some lingering concerns with The Bobocracy's game however. His play tends to be incredibly streaky, going from brilliant to horrific from day-to-day. A high-reward pick could become high-risk, especially if he plays with a hangover.
Second Round
1. (3 Overall) - Master Baiter Jason
Good Times Johnny opened the second round with a brilliant pick, taking Master Baiter Jason. Jason's consistency and attitude will be welcomed to the Vermilion Team. His ability to go beer-for-beer with Good Times Johnny should be a strong addition to the team's chemistry. A lack of golf over the summer by paying way too much attention to his pregnant wife may mean a rusty golf game for Master Baiter Jason.
2. (4 Overall) - Nondescript Doug
A low handicapper that nobody but Scottish Rob knows, Nerd went with an "on-paper" pick, taking a single-digit handicap in the second round. Descriptions of Doug have ranged from "kind of an average laid-back guy" to "nothing really of note." Time will tell if Nerd's blind pick will match the paper qualifications, or if the Mesabi Team just acquired their own JaMarcus Russell.
Third Round
1. (5 Overall) - The Phony Peroni
Another contraversial pick by Good Times Johnny started the third round with the selection of The Phony Peroni. Known to break down mentally on the golf course, The Phony Peroni will have a lot to prove for the Vermilion Team. All is not bad though, as The Phony Peroni has shown tremendous improvement recently and could be defined as this draft's sleeper pick.
2. (6 Overall) - Kahnke Kong
Nerd and the Mesabi Team could not look past Kahnke Kong's claims of being an "average 300 yard driver" in the third round. Unmentioned by Khanke Kong was the consistency of and direction in which the 300 yards would be, and the number of shots required to cover such a distance. Not an accurate golfer, Kahnke Kong's game could play well to the best ball match play scoring in the Ironhead Cup with a few low scores scattered throughout the round. The other thing Kahnke Kong is sure to bring is really bad beer.
Fourth Round
1. (7 Overall) - Cinnamon!
Almost universally analyzed as possibly the worst pick in the draft, Good Times Johnny went with another team chemistry pick with a pretty horrible golf game. Cinnamon is a short hitter and a poor putter. While many better picks were on the board and available, Good Times Johnny revealed an interesting strategy. Cinnamon's terrible slice will be a massive advantage on all the dogleg-right holes. Of the 54 different holes on the 3 Ironhead Cup courses, 3 holes play to the right.
2. (8 Overall) - Undrafted Jeff
Undrafted no longer, Nerd and the Mesabi Team took Undrafted Jeff with the 8th overall pick. A lack of play in 2011 may hurt Undrafted Jeff in the Ironhead Cup, however he has recently attempted to "buy a game" by equipping himself with a new driver and hybrid (utility club, not car.) Hyper-competitiveness and an anything-to-win attitude could offer strong locker room presence.
Fifth Round
1. (9 Overall) - Sporadic Jack
During the 2011 Ironhead Cup Draft, Sporadic Jack, who was projected as a high first-round pick, was taken by Good Times Johnny and the Vermilion Team with the 1st pick in the 5th round, the 9th overall pick after the teams, even those in need of a veteran low-handicap golfer, were concerned with Sporadic Jack's well-documented course management problems. Before the draft Sporadic Jack was quoted as saying teams that pass on him "will regret it once they see what kind of a player I am and what kind of guy I really am."
2. (10 Overall) - Macho Rod
Macho Rod, who can hit a driver 280 yards and a sand wedge 250, is an interesting fifth round pick. Macho Rod's putter is the make-or-break portion of his game and it remains to be seen which putter (literally, he has several) Macho Rod brings to the 2011 Ironhead Cup. Macho Rod has also battled injury problems in past years, and there is some concern that he is playing on the same team as The Bobocracy, who's fat ass caused said injuries.
Sixth Round
1. (11 Overall) - Sir Mix-A-Lot
Proving its not what you know but who you know, Sir Mix-A-Lot was picked by his own neighbor, Good Times Johnny, with the 11th overall pick. Sir Mix-A-Lot brings with him a decent golf game that is well-complimented by the beverage cart. Critics point to Sir Mix-A-Lot's tendency to "mix-a-lot" the night before as a potential downside to his game.
2. (12 Overall) - The Nordique
Another relative unknown, The Nordique slid down the board despite a decent handicap due to relative obscurity, just like most other French Canadians. Speculation abounds about a second potential cause for staying on the board until later rounds due to The Nordique's inability to correctly say "Chowder" while in Boston. A pre-draft email from The Nordique boasted of his game by saying "I want to thank the other team in advance for letting me win, because you've seen [due to the 2011 Stanley Cup Finals] what happens when Canadians lose."
Seventh Round
1. (13 Overall) - Scottish Rob
Scottish Rob and his uncanny resemblence to both the Gordon's Fisherman and an Old Spice commercial started the seventh round with a pick by Good Times Johnny. The lateness of the pick is most likely a result of recent complains about a sore hip, a lack of dedication to the golf (as opposed to sailing), and a golf game where no raw talent stands out. Scottish Rob's strongest asset is that he actually is Scottish, and they did invent the game. "How else are you supposed to keep yourself entertained while herding sheep?" asked Scottish Rob. No analysts wanted to provide a strongly-obvious answer.
(14 Overall) - Critical Steve
A fractured shin bone lands Critical Steve as the last pick in the seventh round. While he assured both captains that doctors have paced his recovery well ahead of the Ironhead Cup, it was only Nerd who was willing to bet on it. Critical Steve is an infrequent golfer and has a rusty game that may not score well for the Measbi Team. His uncanny ability to over-react to mundane things might create problems within the team.
Eighth Round
1. (15 Overall) - The Swiss Miss-ter
Good Times Johnny again focused on team chemistry by taking his non-golfer pick earlier in the draft. The Swiss Miss-ter is a native of the Iron Range and with a general dislike of people, promises an interesting persective for the other members of the Vermilion Team. While analysts question taking a non-golfer while some were still on the board, Good Times Johnny has brushed away the criticism almost as fast as The Swiss Miss-ter brushes away chances with women.
2. (16 Overall) - The Wizard
Clearly a pressure pick after Good Times Johnny took the Swiss Miss-ter with the first pick in the 8th round, Nerd selected The Wizard, the other non-golfer in this year's draft. The Wizard's spell casting abilities involving alcohol have the potential to wreak havoc on the Mesabi Team. Despite the concern, Nerd has repeatedly voiced his confidence in the Wizard.
Ninth Round
1. (17 Overall) - Citizen Dique
Only recently taking up golf dropped Citizen Dique to the final round of the 2011 Ironhead Cup Draft. Citizen Dique does bring with him the ability to drink cheap beer with ease, a common trait amongst the draft targets for Good Times Johnny and the Vermilion Team. When asked about how he plans to contribute to the team, Citizen Dique answered with "I'm a self-contained unit."
2. (18 Overall) -
With only one left on the draft board and the last pick in the draft, Nerd drafted a player-to-be-named-later. it isn't yet known what this unknown player may or may not bring to the team, but it is certain that it will be uncertain. "Party" was the simple response offered by Nerd.
Overall Handicaps:
Mesabi Team (Nerd): 21.75
Vermilion Team (Good Times Johnny): 21.0
The Legend at Giants Ridge, #17, Par 3
The Weekend of Man Alumni Association is pleased to annouce the first annual Ironhead Cup. This tournament will feature a Ryder Cup style team golf tournament, captained by the two worst golfers in attendance.
Captains for The Weekend of Man Episode V are hereby announced as Nerd and Good Times Johnny. Named after the two iron ranges in the Minnesota Arrowhead, Nerd will command the Vermilion Team, and Good Times Johnny will captain the Mesabi team. The captains will choose their teams "gym class style" with the first pick going to the winner of a coin toss. From there, they will alternate picks. The Draft (as it shall be forever known) will occur over lunch two weeks prior at Noon on July 21st, 2011. Captains will announce their pairings the evening before each match, with the first pairings being announced on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011. Pairings will be published exclusively on The Home of Man.
Round one will be played as a four-man best ball, with each Man playing his own ball and recording his own score. From there, the lowest score on the hole by the team will be recorded match play style. Round two will be played the same way as a two-man best ball, and the final round shall be individual matches. Each match will record one point, and each tie shall record 1/2 point to each team. There are 21 points at stake, with the first team to reach 11 points the winner.
The first annual Ironhead Cup tee times are as follows:
August 4th, 2011: Round One, Four Man Best Ball - The Quarry at Giants Ridge
2:30pm: Vermilion Team One (1/2) vs. Mesabi Team One (1/2)
2:40pm: Vermilion Team One (3/4) vs. Mesabi Team One (3/4)
2:50pm: Vermilion Team Two (1/2) vs. Mesabi Team Two (1/2)
3:00pm: Vermilion Team Two (3/4) vs. Mesabi Team Two (3/4)
3:10pm: Vermilion Team Three (1/2) vs. Mesabi Team Three (1/2)
3:20pm: Vermilion Team Three (3/4) vs. Mesabi Team Three (3/4)
August 5th, 2011: Round Two, Two Man Best Ball - The Legend at Giants Ridge
9:10am: Vermilion Team One vs. Mesabi Team One
9:20am: Vermilion Team Two vs. Mesabi Team Two
9:30am: Vermilion Team Three vs. Mesabi Team Three
9:40am: Vermilion Team Four vs. Mesabi Team Four
9:50am: Vermilion Team Five vs. Mesabi Team Five
10:00am: Vermilion Team Six vs. Mesabi Team Six
August 6th, 2011: Round Three, Individual - The Wilderness at Fortune Bay
10:30am: Vermilion One/Two vs. Mesabi One/Two
10:40am: Vermilion Three/Four vs. Mesabi Three/Four
10:50am: Vermilion Five/Six vs. Mesabi Five/Six
11:00am: Vermilion Seven/Eight vs. Mesabi Seven/Eight
11:10am: Vermilion Nine/Ten vs. Mesabi Nine/Ten
11:20am: Vermilion Eleven/Twelve vs. Mesabi Eleven/Twelve
August 7th, 2011: Round Four, Leisure - The Quarry at Giants Ridge
7:00am - Champion Team, Group One
7:10am - Champion Team, Group Two
7:20am - Champion Team, Group Three
7:30am - Losing Team, Group One
7:40am - Losing Team, Group Two
7:50am - Losing Team, Group Three
After careful deliberation of a select few Men, it has been decided to bestow the most honorable of awards upon an exclusive group of merchants that have been found to provide quite simply the finest products and services available to Men.
It is with great pleasure that I announce to the finest of Men the selections for The Weekend of Man 2010. While on this planet exists an unbelievably vast network of merchants capable of providing objects of desire to Men, only the best even come remotely close to the nearly unreachable standards of The Weekend of Man.
While traditionally commerce would establish roles such as customer and vendor, it is contrary to the objective of which The Weekend of Man seeks to accomplish. Our goal is quite simple: Create relationships. We will seek to build long-term value by those esteemed enough to reach the lofty Weekend of Man standards.
You can view the Inaugural class on The Officials of Man.
The Weekend of Man Alumni Association is reaching "Across the Pond" this year and will include The Bobocracy's "Meatball Line" from work. Real, authentic, Swedes.
They will be in the United States for an important work meeting earlier that week and will join in the festivities at the end of the week.
Maybe we should add meatballs to the menu.
The Bobocracy
On Friday The Home of Man gained a new marvelous feature that will allow this esteemed group of Men to better manage the World's Greatest Event, as well as allow you to collaborate with fellow Men.
I have worked hard to make sure this new area measures up the extremely high standards set by The Weekend of Man and truly believe it will raise the bar even further. Do note however, you MUST fill out your schedule prior to The Weekend of Man MMX in order for myself and others to appropriately plan for the four greatest days of your life.
You can login using the boxes on the left or go to:
Please update your schedule and let me know what you think.
Thank you,
The Bobocracy
The Bobocracy's Clubs
I have finished booking all our tee times for The Weekend of Man MMX. While I am sure that not all players will want to play each round, they are now on the tee sheet so the space is guaranteed for our group. As an additional bonus, I have been able to negotiate our rates on ALL the courses, resulting in a cost savings of more than $30.00 per round.
Here's the full block of tee times:
Thursday, June 10th:
The Legend @ Giants Ridge, 3:00 pm - 3:40 pm
Friday, June 11th:
The Quarry @ Giants Ridge, 9:10 am & 9:20 am
The Legend @ Giants Ridge, 3:10 pm & 3:20 pm
Lunch included in greens fees between rounds
Saturday, June 12th:
The Wilderness @ Fortune Bay, 3:10 pm - 4:00 pm
Sunday, June 13th:
The Quarry @ Giants Ridge, 9:00 am - 9:50 am
Private breakfast buffet for The Weekend of Man
I hope all of you, the finest of Men, find the above to meet your recreational needs. I am working on a calendaring system that will soon appear that will let you put your schedule together and total costs for you.
That's all for now,
The Bobocracy
Man Tools
I am pleased to announce that I have been able to complete the transaction guaranteeing us tee times at Fortune Bay on Saturday, June 12th at 3:00 pm. These times will benefit from a group rate in addition to twilight rates.
Hangovers: Meet (Meat) Your Maker
Any man dare attempt to cook and/or eat the Bacon Explosion during The Weekend of Man?
It's a "weave" of bacon that surrounds a layer of pork sausage that surrounds a layer of crispy diced bacon. This amazing bacon bounty is then coated in BBQ sauce, you know, for looks.
This might be too much for even the finest of men.
See the recipe here:
The 2009 Logo of Man
Man Weekend 2009 closed successfully, albeit cold, and so the planning for The Weekend of Man, MMX begins.
I have finalized our reservations and am happy to inform you that we will have the exact same accommodations we had last year. In addition, due to an expected increase in demand, we will add one more villa to The Home of Man. Should this become unnecessary due to lower-than-expected attendance, I will modify our reservation.
Bruce-in-Law has been appointed as the Treasurer for the Man Weekend Alumni Association and will be coordinating our related financials. I have been happy to inform him that I have negotiated a discount for our group in excess of 31% for our lodging from this year's rates.
I encourage you to visit regularly to stay up-to-date on The Blog of Man as I will post regular updates here rather than sending lengthy emails to you about all things Man.
Good Times Johnny - Finding a gift for The Wizard...At a bait shop.
Copyright © 2019 The Weekend of Man