Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Golf Slogan - "I call upon all nations to do everything they can to stop these terrorists. Now watch this drive." - George W. Bush Biggest Pro: The most important shot in golf is the next one. Biggest Con: Unproven WOFM experience, |
A dreadful lacross team actually won last in 2013 causing him to short hit his rookie year. Biggest Pro: Brings the lowest handicap to WOFM Eight. Biggest Con: Bing-watching Breaking Bad on Netflix for product and operation ideas could be a distraction. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
It takes hundreds of good golf shots to gain confidence, but only one bad one to lose it. Biggest Pro: Hambone's diet consists of lots of greens. Biggest Con: "Actually, the only tim eI ever took out a one-iron was to kill a tarantula. And I took a 7 to do that." |
Wheels came off the train last year in the deciding match. Biggest Pro: Recent retirement means he has nothing better to do than wack his balls around. Biggest Con: LOVES donuts. He's 0-5 the last two years. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
"The only sure rule in golf is he who has the fastest cart never has to play the bad lie." - Mickey Mantle on the Tweaker's play. Biggest Pro: Serious about his golf. Biggest Con: Motto: Mistakes are proof that you are trying. |
And then were gonna find our best friend Doug, and then were gonna give him a best friend hug. Doug Doug Oh Doug Doug Dougie Doug Doug! Biggest Pro: Maintains an excellent foot wedge game. Biggest Con: Playing opposite Scottish Rob, should that happen, might result in a near-death experience. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Outdrive your competition. Biggest Pro: Streaky good. Biggest Con: Thinks "Golfers do it on the green" is actually about golf. |
It is pretty much a given that a series of disasters will follow The Bobocracy all weekend. Biggest Pro: Disasters will be resolved and/or heavy drinking will occur. Biggest Con: He won't have Billy Blaze to bail him out this year. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Fore Father. Biggest Pro: "Mistakes are part of the game. It's how well you recover from them, that's the mark of a great player." - Alice Cooper on Jack's game. Biggest Con: Only birdie seen will be from the middle finger. |
GUYS! Biggest Pro: Has been grooving "Beast Mode" over the winter to re-find some lost distance. Biggest Con: Shoulders, back, knees, feet...But mostly his mind. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
"I have a tip that can take five strokes off anybody's game: An eraser." - Bruce Biggest Pro: It's about the business write-off. Biggest Con: High integration of business to golf ration may limit fun factor. |
A new home with a twin-tap beer system has him looking down his nose at cheap beer. Biggest Pro: The only lefty capable of controlling distances with his sand wedge. Biggest Con: A recently-fractured foot could be a serious setback. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Represents Hornet pride. Biggest Pro: If thinking you are good at golf is an indicator...Sam is great. Biggest Con: How did I make a twelve on a part five hole? It's simple: I missed a four-footer for an eleven. |
Edina bravado has him captaining a team this year. Biggest Pro: He's from Edina which means he has more money than us which means he can buy the beer. Biggest Con: He's from Edina. Captaincy could turn into a superiority complex. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
I never rooted against an opponent, but I never rooted for him either. Biggest Pro: A minor adjustment can produce oustanding results. Biggest Con: Golf is the sport where your most feared opponent is yourself! |
His laid-back attitude means spending time with him looking for his golf balls is a serene experience. Biggest Pro: Flowing locks. Biggest Con: As a Director of Analytics for a professional sports team, he could be too focused on the numbers. Particularly consumed beers. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
A perfectly straight shot with a big club is a fluke. Biggest Pro: New mindset = Lower score Biggest Con: My golf game is improving...I miss the hole nearer now. |
Won the opening match of 2013 with a brilliant par on the 17th hole of The Quarry. Biggest Pro: Rod 2.0: Cool, calm, collected. Biggest Con: Rod 2.0's golf game still requires the Bell Curve of Soberness. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
If you drink, don't drive. Don't even putt. Biggest Pro: What happens on the golf course stays on the golf course. Biggest Con: Long ball? |
Collar AND sport coat. Biggest Pro: Dapper. Biggest Con: You can tell he REALLY wants to pop the collar up. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
"I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer spectators." - Blue Biggest Pro: The more I practice, the luckier I get. Biggest Con: New to WOFM. Might be easily distracted by all the bad golf etiquette. |
The only rookie (so far) of 2014. Is he really ready for The Weekend of Man? Biggest Pro: He brings a LOT of life experience. Biggest Con: The experience is because he's old. I mean, really old. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
If there is one thing I have learned during my years as a professional, it is that the only thing constant about golf is its inconsistency. Biggest Pro: Unshakeable spirit. Biggest Con: Can be affected by a good scotch. |
Put up a few monster numbers last year yet still earned 1.5 points. Biggest Pro: Capable of rationalizing really crappy golf shots. Biggest Con: His golf game sucks, and his sailing blows. Get it? Maybe? Is this thing on? |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
New mashie clubs should improve game. Biggest Pro: It takes a lot of balls to golf the way I do. Biggest Con: An endless series of tragedies obscured by the occasional miracle. |
Burnsville represents this year as Undrafted Jeff assumes the title of captain. Biggest Pro: Maaaaaaaaassssssshhhhiiiiiiieeeeeeeeee Biggest Con: All but assured he blames his team members for any and all mistakes, but mostly his own. |
Undrafted Jeff |
The Bobocracy |
Coined the phrase "Golf. The art of playing fetch with yourself." Biggest Pro: Not one to speak during backswings. Biggest Con: More time in the sand than David Hasslehoff. |
He's the Anti-Smalls: He always slices. Biggest Pro: Has the world's greatest pickup line/ice breaker at his disposal this year. Biggest Con: The odds of him using it are the closest thing in nature to absolute zero that scientists have yet observed. |
Good Times Johnny - Commentary on the official parchment of Man.
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