The 2014 Ironhead Cup Draft

Posted by The Bobocracy - Sat Jun 28 22:57:54 UTC 2014 | Link

The 2014 Ironhead Cup Draft took it to new heights, thanks to the collaborative creativity of this year's captains, Undrafted Jeff and Sam Adequate.  A number of Alumni attended, many beers were consumed, and the entirety of a complete packed bar was involved in deciding this year's teams.

Undrafted Jeff and Sam Adequate decided to choose this year's teams by having bar patrons draw names from a hat.  Waiters and waitresses, hosts and hostesses, and a large number of bar patrons selected names one-by-one and the teams slowly came together.  Oddly enough, all but one name was drawn by a woman.  Huh.  Per Ironhead Cup rules, the hostess chose who picked first and selected Undrafted Jeff and the Bowser Big Oaks to have the first pick.

On to the draft results!

Undrafted Jeff - Bowser Big Oaks
Sam Adequate - Casco

FIRST ROUND (The Lake City)
1)  Bowser Big Oaks - Bruce-in-Law (Drawn by Jenna, a patron sitting at the bar)
2)  Casco - Blue Polaski (Drawn by Amy, a patron at an adjacent table)

SECOND ROUND (The Bar Employee)
3)  Bowser Big Oaks - Crystal Meth Tweaker Doug (Drawn by Nick, a waiter bearing a striking resemblence to Abe Lincoln)
4)  Casco - 128 Fluid Ounces (Drawn by Kendra, our lovely and attentive waitress)

THIRD ROUND (The Exclamation Point)
5)  Bowser Big Oaks - Hambone!  (Drawn by Sara, the hostess)
6)  Casco - Cinnamon! (Drawn by Emily, a patron at a table and the first half of the draft's first double-down)

7)  Bowser Big Oaks - Macho Rod (Drawn by Milli, another patron and the second half of the draft's first double-down)
8)  Casco - The Bobocracy (Drawn by Allison, a patron at a table on the far side of the bar)

9)  Bowser Big Oaks - Scottish Rob (Drawn by Mary, who has nothing notable to record)
10) Casco - Amphetamine Dave (Drawn by Tammy, a bar patron who looked exactly like a Tammy should)

SIXTH ROUND (The Bottom Feeder)
11)  Bowser Big Oaks - Sporadic Jack (Drawn by Sara, the second Sara of the night)
12)  Casco - Kahnke Kong (Drawn by Julie, a bar patron who didn't know why she was drawing out of a hat with one name)

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