Announcing The Home of Man 2.0 - 'EPIC'

Posted by The Bobocracy - Tue May 15 09:54:15 UTC 2012 | Link

Easy Event Management That Idiot Men Choose to Ignore
Easy Event Management That Idiot Men Choose to Ignore

Relying on a technique known as "Descriptive Marketing", The Weekend of Man proudly re-launches The Home of Man 2.0, a release going by the simple name of Epic, because that's what it is.

Epic allows each Man to plan the pinnacle event of his existance to his exact specifications.  The ability to pick activities, travel arrangements, and accommodations has been extensively re-worked and streamlined.  New this year are social networking tools available exclusively to those lucky enough to call themselves Alumni.

In addition to features and functionality, Nerd, Cinnamon, and The Bobocracy have uploaded all the pictures they had from every year of The Weekend of Man.

Alumni can login and try it for themselves:

OK guys, this is going to work and it's going to be hilarious!

Undrafted Jeff - Plotting the hand-in-warm-water trick on The Bobocracy, standing adjacent to a still-awake Bobocracy.

More Words of Men

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