
Hello WorldSeptember 19, 2007 1:00 PM

In the software development world, generally the first application any tutorial or book has you create is a simple program that does nothing but spit out the words "Hello World" onto the screen. This can be something as simple as to the System.out, or something as complex as running through WebSphere Portal Server as a portlet. Either way though, the output is the same. When success is reached, two words stare back at you: Hello World.
So, it is with great pleasure I introduce you to the little guy above. This afternoon, The Designer and I will make our way to Big Lake, about an hour North of downtown to pick up a gorgeous eight week old Golden Retriever.
World, meet Pepin. Pepin, Hello World.
So that's the big news. Or, at least part of the big news. It's been almost six weeks since I've posted anything out here, but it's with good reason. August was a rollercoaster of a month, with really good things flanking really bad things. I'm not going to detail any of it, as most anybody who reads this probably had to go through it all with me anyways. It seems the last eight weeks or so have been defined most easily by the word busy.
September is looking brighter though. Every weekend this month has had its share of fun, with the biggest being several trips up to visit Pepin and his littermates. Surrounding that has been a trip down to The Designer's home town, and a weekend or two out on the boat. This upcoming weekend will be spent with Pepin at the park and then down to play in a golf tournament with The Designer's dad.
So, everyone, I am alive and looking forward to tackling some new adventures with my new buddy Pepin. Stay tuned for plenty of pictures, because this cutie is a total ham in front of the camera.
If you're interested, feel free to see some pictures of Pepin, his mom, grandma, and all his brothers and sisters. He's the one crashed asleep under the grill. This guy has personality in spades!

This is the word barf of a guy named Bob (Ethics major turned Software Engineer) who lives in Minneapolis.
Email me. Buy some photo gallery prints. Do whatever.
Looking for foil pictures? They are here.
Unfoiled, The Movie
Why [IT] Matters
My Life Applied to Corporate America