World-Class Fishing Awaits Men

Master Baiter Jason and a 40-inch MuskellungeMan Alumni shall not fear the open seas in The Area of Man and will sail upon them, seeing opportunity to sustain his fello Man from the abundance of wildlife contained within. He will search for the most elusive game fish of all, the Walleye, but shall not discriminate against any other species. We will be mindful of the delicate ecosystem and return to the wild fish such as the mighty Muskie which are fragile and rare, and not aptly suited to the feeding of Men.
The bounty provided by The Area of Man, and Lake Vermilion in particular is substantial, and through perseverance and strength other Men shall attempt a feat as great as the one accomplished by Master Baiter Jason, illustrated above.
Not all men shall be successful.

Bearded Jack's misguided prideDuring The Weekend of Man 2009, Master Baiter Jason caught what was suspected to be a state record Rock Bass. In a zealous rush, Good Times Johnny and The Bobocracy donated a beer to the internals of the fish and released it back into the wild, not giving the DNR time to validate this amazing catch. It is with this catch that the badge of Master Baiter has been bestowed upon Jason. While the State of Minnesota prefers the verbage of Master Angler, it was decided by those present to adopt the current title.

The Bobocracy's 2010 24" WalleyeLake Vermilion is one of the country's best fisheries for multiple species of fish, and the fishing during The Weekend of Man centers around this magnificent body of water. Multiple guides, boat rentals, and just about any other piece of equipment needed is available from a variety of dealers, water-front to Lake Vermilion.
Lake Sabin and Wynne Lake are directly adjacent to Giants Ridge and it is these lakes that the Home of Men is lake front, providing quick access to fishing waters. While not in high regard, success has been had. A
short documentary video from a few Northern Minnesota locals provides tips and a glimpse at what is available out the back door of the villas reserved for Men.
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Lake Assessments:
Lake VermilionLake SabinWynne Lake